Climate Chronicles

Hello everyone!

We all know about climate change and how our environment is being affected by our actions, but what can we do to stop this from happening and maybe even reverse it? In this post, I'll be sharing practical steps you can take on a personal level to help our planet, along with some actions I've taken myself.

I’m Aanyaa and let’s get started! 

1. Save Water and Electricity Saving water and electricity has huge benefits for the world, and guess what? They’re some of the easiest actions you can take! You can conserve water by taking shorter showers and turning off the tap while brushing your teeth. Save electricity by switching off appliances when you leave a room. These small actions not only help the environment by conserving energy but also save you money! 

 2. Sort Your Trash Sorting trash may not seem like a big contribution, but it can save lots of energy and protect wildlife. Ensure that wet waste (organic matter like vegetable peels and leftover food) is separated from dry waste (inorganic matter like glass, paper, and plastic). In some places, trash is sorted even further into categories like paper, metal, and hazardous waste. Properly sorted trash makes recycling easier, reduces landfill waste, and conserves natural resources. 

 3. Don’t Waste Food Wasting food contributes significantly to greenhouse gas emissions. You can reduce food waste by planning meals, serving smaller portions, finishing your food, storing food correctly, composting, and donating edible leftovers. These actions help save the energy used in food production and reduce methane emissions from landfills. 

 4. Stop Using Plastic Plastic is versatile but extremely harmful to the environment and wildlife. Reduce your plastic use, especially single-use plastics, by reusing items, buying in bulk, opting for second-hand products, and avoiding products with plastic beads. These changes can significantly reduce plastic pollution. 

 5. Spread Awareness Spreading awareness is crucial for environmental recovery but can be challenging. Make sure everyone you know understands environmental issues and how they can take action. Share this blog with friends and family to help them learn how to save the planet!

Actions I’ve Taken for Climate Change:

I create a variety of videos, focusing on environmental issues like plastic pollution and sustainable cities.

This game teaches younger children how to sort trash into wet and dry waste, fostering sustainable habits from a young age.

• Plastic-Free World Community: .  A digital community where people share stories and ideas for reducing plastic use.

• March to Action Campaign: A campaign where my friends and I committed to sustainable practices for an entire month.

My Patent for an Automatic Trash Sorting Bin
An invention designed to make trash sorting easier and more efficient.

By taking these steps, you can contribute to a healthier planet. Let’s all do our part to ensure a sustainable future!

Aanyaa Garatikar
Class 8, NES International School Mumbai.

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